Studio Care Package

Studio Care Package


While Lucas Morton (Producer), Max Hoffman (Co-Producer) & I were in preproduction for Sara’s album we had a bit of checklist...
~Lemon Spindrift in the am
~Followed shortly there after by the ritualistic burning of Palo Santo; only to be lite by strike anywhere matches
~ While also strictly enforcing the use of cherry dum dums to lead us into our lunch break which more often than not took us to the local Mexican restaurant.

With this package you’ll receive 1 can of lemon spindrift, 3 cherry Dum Dums, 4 sticks of Palo Santo, and one 32 count pack of strike anywhere matches! Also, you’ll receive a signed vinyl copy of Sara’s Half Finished Love Affair. By following this routine Monday thru Friday for two weeks straight you’ll be able to experience a part of Sara’s manifestation.

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